
Showing posts with the label Culture

Row in the Same Direction

One of my favorite quotes is from the introduction of Patrick Lencioni's Five Dysfunctions of a Team : "If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time." I didn't fully understand or appreciate that saying until my daughters started rowing in high school. Just like rowing, for an organization to be successful, it takes hard work, teamwork, and communication.

BOOK REVIEW: The Ride of a Lifetime

I just finished reading Robert Iger's The Ride of a Lifetime that shares his career's story of rising through ABC and eventually becoming the CEO of Disney. It's a chronological overview of his 22 years at ABC and 23 years at Disney, with the last 14 being CEO of Disney and provides great leadership principles. 

It's the Journey, not the Destination

I spent the past week with my 12-year-old son, Isaac, and my 6-year-old daughter, Haley, traveling to the highest point in 7 states. While it was fun checking the highpoints off our list, the journey was the most memorable. 

The Weekly Activity Report (WAR)

The Weekly Activity Report (WAR) helps align your focus. The idea is to keep your focus on this week's most important things and to be disciplined without being too formal.